The Chancels of Mainz, my first novella, was published in February 2022 by the award-winning Scottish independent press Luna Press Publishing.
The genre: alternate history/horror.
Here’s the blurb:
In late 16th century Germany, the witch-hunt trials are engulfing the country.Young, brilliant, and eager to prove himself, Inquisitor Hermann De Vylt is hellbent on his holy war against the forces of evil.But when his world is turned upside down by the death of a noblewoman accused of witchcraft and the encounter with the mysterious Namtar in the Cathedral of Mainz, Hermann is forced to reconsider his allegiances.
If you want to read a review, this is a short extract of what is up on the publisher’s website: “
“If you read a lot you start to spot certain story paths. […] But there is a joy in reading something and thinking oh I so know where this is going and then being completely bamboozled and getting something else that is both surprising and extremely well delivered. That was the joy of reading The Chancels of Mainz by Russell Hemmell a tale of witch hunts, religious war and politics, magic and repressed desire. It’s one of the most interesting reads so far this year! Hemmell gives us a tale that is at terms enlightening, erotic, disturbing and familiar. Their historical knowledge is evident, and I think gives the reader more insight into the time than you’d expect. It also looks at the idea of faith and gods across the centuries and the conflict of church and other beliefs is handled in a way I really didn’t see coming. Prepare for a ride and I cannot wait to hear your thoughts afterwards. I am trying very hard not to give you too many spoilers here Gentle Reader, so you get to be surprised as much as I was! I care I really do. Safe to say of the six great novellas I’m looking at from Luna this year this one is my favourite. Strongly recommended! “
[read the entire review here]
For the novella itself and a youtube video about the launch (together with the others in the same bundle), this is the link.