Another round of market news received since New Year:
- I have done my first pro-sale of the year -to the forthcoming anthology Monstrosities by Third Flatiron. I’ve been trying them for a couple of years, and I’m thrilled to finally appear there!
- I have sold a story to After the Orange, a science fiction and fantasy anthology about the post-Trump world.
- I’ve also sold a reprint story to Terror Politico, the new anthology by Scary Dairy Press. This is my second publication with them. Incidentally, the first one –Mother’s Revenge, 2017- has been included in the preliminary ballot for the Bram Stoker’s Awards (!) How cool is that?
- My reprint SF flash fiction Orchid, Squirrel, White-Hot Star appeared as a podcast. Listen to it at Manawaker Studio FF Podcast.
- My poem Homecoming was published in the beautiful dark poetry collection Untimely Frost, by Lycan Valley Publications.